5 Things You Didn’t Know About Your Cat’s Behaviour

Cats are mysterious creatures, and it can often feel like we don’t know much about them. From their facial expressions to their body language, cats communicate differently than humans do. While some of their behavior may seem puzzling, it is important to understand cats in order to build a strong bond between you and your pet. Here are 5 things you may not have known about your cat’s behavior! 


Why Do Cats Like Boxes?


One of the most common behaviours that cats display is an affinity for boxes. If you have ever seen your cat curl up in a box or hide in one, then you know that they love them! It turns out, this behaviour is instinctual. Boxes provide cats with comfort and safety from predators as well as a sense of security. Furthermore, cats love the smell of cardboard and find it soothing. 


Why Do Cats Groom Themselves So Much?


Another common behaviour seen in cats is their excessive grooming habits. It’s almost like they spend half of their waking hours licking themselves! This is because cats groom themselves as part of their regular self-care routine. Grooming helps keep their fur clean, removes loose fur or debris from their coat, and prevents parasites such as fleas from taking up residence on your cat’s body. Additionally, when cats groom each other it serves as an expression of affection among family members or friends.  


Do Cats Enjoy Playing With Toys?


Cats can be notoriously aloof animals but they still enjoy playtime with toys just like any other pet! In fact, interactive toys such as feather wands or laser pointers can help bring out your cat’s playful side while also providing mental stimulation that will help keep them healthy and happy. Additionally, giving your cat regular access to toys can help reduce behavioural issues such as scratching furniture or marking territory with urine due to boredom or anxiety. 


Do Cats Dream?


Cats sleep for long periods of time throughout the day so it shouldn’t come as a surprise that many owners wonder if our furry friends dream when they doze off! The answer is yes; cats experience the same stages of sleep—including REM (rapid eye movement) sleep—that humans do when they rest and this is when dreaming occurs. During REM sleep, cats may twitch or make noises which indicate that they are having pleasant dreams while snoozing away peacefully on the couch!                                                                                    


Why Do Cats Purr?


Cats purr for many different reasons including happiness and contentment but not all purrs are created equal! A loud purr usually indicates that your cat feels safe and secure while a soft purr usually means that she wants something such as food or attention from her owner. Additionally, some researchers believe that purring has healing powers since the frequency at which cats purr (which ranges from 25-150 Hertz) has been shown to improve bone density and reduce pain in humans!  


Understanding your cat’s behaviour can be challenging but with research and patience you can learn how to better interpret what your pet is trying to communicate to you through body language and vocalisations like meowing or purring. Armed with knowledge about why your cat behaves in certain ways you will have all the tools necessary to create a loving relationship between you both based on trust and understanding!


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