5 Animal Rescues That Will Melt Your Heart This National Dog Day


Every year on August 26th, animal lovers across the country celebrate National Dog Day. This holiday was created to bring attention to all the wonderful dogs that brighten our lives every day, and to also shine a spotlight on those pups who are still waiting for their forever homes. In honour of National Dog Day, we’ve rounded up 5 heart warming stories of animals who were rescued and found their forever homes. These stories will surely make you smile and remind you of why we all love dogs so much!


1. Simon


Simon the Golden Retriever was rescued from a Puppy Mill in 2019 and has since been living his best life with his new family. Simon was one of hundreds of dogs who were living in terrible conditions at the Puppy Mill, but he was lucky enough to be rescued by a local animal shelter. After being nursed back to health, Simon was adopted by a loving family who says he brings joy to their lives every day.


2. Mia


Mia the cat was found as a stray kitten in 2017 and was taken in by a local animal shelter. Mia was very scared and hid from everyone who tried to approach her. After weeks of patience and love from the shelter staff, Mia finally started to come out of her shell and eventually found her forever home with a family who has two other cats. Mia is now a happy and well-loved member of her new family!


3. Benny


Benny the dog was found as a stray on the streets of Los Angeles in 2018. He was taken in by Best Friends Animal Society, where he received the love and care he needed. Benny is a staff favourite at the animal society and they worked tirelessly to find him the perfect forever home. And finally, after months of waiting, Benny found his perfect match and went home with a family who loves him very much!


4. Lily


Lily the dog was rescued from a meat farm in South Korea in 2016 and has since been living in the United States with her adoptive family. Lily spent the first few months of her life in awful conditions, but she was lucky enough to be rescued by Humane Society International. Lily was flown to the United States, where she received the love and care she needed before being adopted by her forever family.

5. Copper


Copper the dog was found as a stray in 2015 and taken in by Michigan Humane Society. Copper lived at the shelter for nearly two years before he finally found his forever home with a family who lives on a farm! Copper loves spending his days running around and playing with his new canine siblings and enjoys cuddling with his humans at night.


These heart-warming stories show us just how important it is to rescue animals instead of buying them from breeders or pet stores. By adopting an animal from a shelter or rescue organization, you are giving that animal a second chance at finding happiness and a forever home. If you’re thinking about adding a furry friend to your family, please consider adopting from your local animal shelter or rescue organization!

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