How to keep your hairless dog comfortable and cool in the summer heat

If you’re the proud owner of a hairless dog, you know that they have unique needs when it comes to staying comfortable in the summer heat. Here are a few tips to help you keep your hairless pup cool all season long.


1. Use sunscreen.


Just like humans, hairless dogs can sunburn easily. Be sure to apply a pet-safe sunscreen to exposed areas like their nose, stomach, and back before heading outdoors. Reapply as needed throughout the day, especially if your dog goes for a swim or gets wet.


2. Keep them hydrated.


It’s important to make sure your hairless dog stays hydrated in the summer heat. Offer them plenty of fresh water and consider investing in a doggy water bottle or bowl that you can take on the go. Dogs can also stay hydrated by eating fruits and vegetables with a high water content, such as watermelon or cucumber.


3. Create a cool space for them indoors.


When it’s too hot to go outside, create a cool and comfortable indoor space for your hairless dog. Set up an air conditioner or fan in their favourite room, and provide them with plenty of bedding so they can lounge comfortably. Cold floors can feel good on their hot skin, so put down a cooling mat or ice pack for them to lie on.


4. Take them for shorter walks.


If you normally walk your dog for an hour at a time, break it up into two shorter walks instead so they don’t overheat. Avoid walking during the hottest part of the day, and stick to shady routes or trails instead of direct sunlight wherever possible. If the pavement is too hot for your hand, it’s too hot for their paws!


By following these tips, you can help your hairless dog stay cool and comfortable all summer long. Be sure to use sunscreen, offer plenty of fresh water, create a cool space inside, and take shorter walks during peak heat hours. With just a little bit of extra care, your hairless pup will enjoy all the fun of summer without any discomfort!

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