What’s New in Bird Nutrition and Diet?

With the ever-evolving world of pet nutrition and diet, it can be hard to keep up with what’s best for our feathered friends. From seed mix varieties to home cooked meals, there are a lot of options when it comes to feeding your birds. Let’s take a look at the top 5 trends in bird nutrition and diet. 


Varied Seed Mixes & Blends 


The days of boring bird seed mixes are long gone! Nowadays, many companies offer specialty mixes that contain a variety of grains, fruits, nuts, seeds, and even dried insects—all designed to meet your pet’s nutritional needs. These gourmet mixes often contain more nutritious ingredients than standard seed mixes. They can also help to reduce boredom by providing different types of textures and flavors for your bird to explore. 


Fruits & Veggies 


Birds love fresh fruits and veggies! Offerings like diced apples, oranges, spinach leaves, bell peppers, carrots, corn on the cob (shredded), peas (in their shells), broccoli florets—the list is endless! Fruits and vegetables provide essential vitamins and minerals that many birds don’t get from their regular diets. Not only that but they make excellent treats that can help keep your birds mentally stimulated as well as physically healthy.  


Home Cooked Meals 


When done right, home-cooked meals can be an excellent way to supplement store-bought bird food. Many recipes are available online; just make sure to avoid any ingredients that may be toxic or unhealthy for your feathered friends such as onions or chocolate. Home cooked meals must also contain the proper balance of carbohydrates, proteins, fats/oils, vitamins/minerals in order for them to be complete and balanced diets for your birds. 


Supplements & Fortified Foods

For those who want additional control over what goes into their bird’s diet, supplements can be added to ensure they get all the nutrients they need such as calcium or vitamin B12. There are also fortified foods like pellets or sprouts which contain extra vitamins and minerals specifically tailored for different species of birds. Be sure you read labels carefully so you know exactly what you are getting when purchasing these types of foods!    


Keeping up with the latest trends in bird nutrition and diet can seem overwhelming but it doesn’t have to be! By offering a combination of varied seed blends along with fresh fruits/veggies plus home cooked meals supplemented with fortified foods/supplements tailored specifically for your species of bird—you will quickly become an expert in no time! Plus you will have peace of mind knowing that you are doing your part in keeping your feathered companion happy and healthy for years to come!

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