Adopting a Puppy: Pros and Cons of Buying from a Breeder or Adopting from a Rescue

Adding a new puppy to the family is an exciting time. Will you get a girl or a boy? What breed will they be? These are all fun questions to think about as you await the arrival of your newest furry family member. But where will your new pup come from? There are pros and cons to both buying from a breeder and adopting from a rescue and, ultimately, the decision comes down to what’s best for you and your family.

Buying from a Breeder: Pros

-You can pick the specific puppy you want.
-You know exactly what you’re getting in terms of temperament, health history, etc.
-Breeders usually ship puppies at around 8 weeks old which is the ideal age for leaving their mothers.


– Puppies from breeders can be expensive.
– You may have to wait for the litter you want to be born which could take months.
– Some breeders may not have the best interests of the animal at heart and may not be running a reputable operation.


Adopting from a Rescue: Pros

– Rescues have all different types, ages, breeds, and temperaments of dogs so you’re bound to find the perfect pup for your family.
– Dogs in rescues are often already housebroken or close to it.
– Adoption fees are generally much lower than purchasing from a breeder.


– Rescues may not have any puppies available when you are ready to adopt.
– You might not be able to find a puppy of a certain breed if that is what you are looking for.


No matter where you get your new puppy, remember that they will need plenty of love, attention, and care regardless of whether they came from a breeder or rescue. Owning a puppy is a big responsibility but it can also be one of the most rewarding experiences of your life. Be sure to do your research before bringing home your newest family member so you can be sure you’re prepared for everything that comes with owning a puppy!

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