If you’re a cat owner, you know how much cats love sleeping. Unfortunately, they don’t always choose the most convenient spots for their nap time. A particularly pesky problem is when your cat decides your face is the best place for a nap. Here’s what you can do to encourage your pet to find somewhere else on your body (or even nearby) to catch some zzzs.
Create an Alternative Sleep Spot
The first and most effective way to get your cat to stop sleeping on your face is to create a more desirable sleep spot nearby. To do this, start by making sure that all of the other areas in your home are comfortable and inviting enough for cats to want to sleep there instead of crawling up onto you in bed. Choose either a soft blanket or a specially designed pet bed for them. You can encourage them further by placing treats in the new sleep spot or giving them extra attention when they sleep there.
Make Yourself Uncomfortable
When all else fails, sometimes it just takes making yourself uncomfortable enough that cats decide it’s not worth climbing up onto you anymore! On nights when your cat insists on sleeping on your face, try wearing an eye mask or using ear plugs so that you won’t be able to feel it when they crawl up onto you in the middle of the night. That should be enough of an incentive for them to find another spot!
Give Them Attention During The Day It could be that when it comes time for bedtime, cats turn towards their owners because they are seeking out attention and comfort at night—not because they actually want to be physically close but because they just want some love! Make sure that during the day, you give them plenty of cuddles and playtime so that come nighttime, they won’t feel like they need additional affection from you while they are asleep.
Cats will always look for places where they can feel comfortable and secure during their naps—and unfortunately, sometimes this means invading our personal space while we’re trying to sleep! However, with a little bit of effort and some patience, you can easily train your cat not to sleep on your face anymore by creating an alternative spot for them and giving them plenty of attention throughout the day. With these tips in mind, soon enough both you and your kitty will be sleeping peacefully through the night!
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