The Top 5 Behaviours Every Cat Owner Should Know About

cat owner should be aware of

With their independent personalities and unique behaviours, cats can be a joy to own. They are also complex animals that require special care and understanding from their owners. To better care for your cat, it is important to know the five key behaviours every cat owner should be aware of. From scratching to meowing, these behaviours can help you understand what your cat needs and how to provide it in a way that both of you can appreciate. 




Scratching is an instinctive behaviour for cats; they scratch furniture and other objects to sharpen their claws and leave marks as a form of territory marking. To prevent your cat from damaging furniture and other household items, it is important to provide them with plenty of scratching posts so they have alternative outlets for this behaviour. Placing scratching posts in areas where your cat typically scratches can also encourage them to use it instead of other objects. 




Cats meow for many different reasons—from communicating hunger or displeasure to expressing affection or just wanting attention—and each meow has its own individual meaning. It is important for owners to learn how their cats communicate so they can better understand what their cats need or want. Meows can vary in intensity, tone, frequency, and length depending on the situation. Paying attention to your cat’s vocalisations will help you learn which meows mean what so that you can better understand them. 


Purring & Kneading 


Purring and kneading are two behaviours often seen together because they both signify contentment in cats! During purring, a low-frequency vibration (similar to a rumble) is produced by the larynx when air passes through the vocal cords during exhalation or inhalation, while kneading involves pushing out and pulling in the front paws against a soft surface (often accompanied by purring). Cats often display these behaviours when they are feeling relaxed or happy; if these behaviours persist after extended periods of time however, it may indicate an underlying medical issue that should be examined by a vet right away! 


Climbing & Jumping 


Climbing and jumping come naturally to cats; these activities help them explore their environment safely while getting exercise at the same time! As such, providing places like shelves or window sills where your cat can climb will not only give them something fun to do but also lead to increased physical activity which results in improved health! Providing toys like feather wands or balls with bells inside also helps keep cats physically active by providing additional stimuli for exploration!


Grooming & Cleanliness Behaviour 


Grooming behaviour is essential for keeping clean – cats spend up to one third of their waking hours cleaning themselves! Grooming behaviour starts with licking fur with rough tongues followed by vigorous paw licking which helps remove dirt from fur as well as distribute natural oils throughout the body. Providing adequate grooming supplies such as brushes and combs will help maintain coat health while brushing off any dirt particles that might accumulate on fur over time! Cats may also groom themselves excessively due to stressors such as changes in environment so monitoring grooming habits closely would be beneficial in keeping them healthy!  


Being aware of these five key behaviours every cat owner should know about will go a long way towards helping you better understand your feline friend’s needs. By providing adequate outlets for scratching, paying attention to vocalisations, providing places where they can climb/jump safely, supplying grooming tools/supplies properly, you will ensure that both you and your furry companion stay happy together! Understanding each other’s needs is key when it comes to having fulfilling relationships with our pets – no matter what species one belongs too!


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