What Are the Top 5 Trending Fish for Pet Owners?

If you’re looking to add some aquatic fun to your home, fish are great pets. But with so many types of fish out there, how do you know which one is right for you? Here, we’ll explore the top 5 trending fish for pet owners. From betta fish to goldfish and more, this list has something for everyone! 

Betta Fish 

Betta fish are some of the most popular pet fish because they come in a variety of colors and personalities. Bettas are relatively easy to care for and can live in a small tank or bowl. However, they must be kept alone due to their territorial nature – one male per tank! Betta fish require regular water changes as well as fresh food like flakes or pellets. 




Goldfish are also popular pet choices for their bright colors and unique personalities. Goldfish require a larger tank size than bettas (at least 10 gallons) and need weekly water changes. Goldfish also need plenty of clean air from an aquarium filter as well as the right temperature range (65-75°F). They can eat flakes or pellets but also enjoy freeze-dried foods like brine shrimp or bloodworms! 


Corydoras Catfish 

Corydoras Catfish

Cory cats make wonderful additions to any freshwater aquarium because they help keep it clean by eating algae off the walls and substrate. These bottom feeders are peaceful and social so they should be kept in groups of five or more in a larger tank (20+ gallons). They require regular water changes and prefer a neutral pH level between 6.5-7.5 with low nitrate levels (<20ppm). Cory cats love live food such as bloodworms or brine shrimp but can also eat flakes or pellets too! 


Rainbow Sharks 

Rainbow Sharks

Rainbow sharks are colorful freshwater fish that get their name from their iridescent scales. They require a large tank size (at least 55 gallons) with plenty of hiding places like rocks, driftwood, and plants – especially when they’re young. Rainbow sharks should not be kept with other aggressive species; instead, keep them with smaller peaceful species like tetras or rasboras. They will eat both plant matter (like lettuce) and protein-rich foods like frozen krill or bloodworms!           




Guppies are a great choice for beginner aquarists because they don’t require much maintenance beyond regular water changes every two weeks or so (depending on your tank size). Guppies come in many colors and patterns so you can pick your favorite kind! Plus, guppies reproduce quickly which means your tank will soon be full of these little swimmers! Guppies enjoy flake food but also benefit from protein-rich live food like brine shrimp or bloodworms every once in awhile too! 


No matter what type of aquarium setup you have at home, there’s sure to be a perfect pet fish for you among these top 5 trending options! From colorful bettas to peaceful cory cats and vibrant guppies, these aquatic friends will bring lots of fun into your life – without all the mess associated with other pets! So why not take the plunge today? Get yourself one (or several!) new finned friends today!

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